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online mentorship

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monthly tuition $150.00

online art mentorship with Michelle Guitard 

Take your painting practice to another level. You will learn the building blocks of what makes a painting successful: value, color, brushwork, consistency and practice. Whether you’re a beginner or an artist looking to build your skills, my aim is to help you reach your goals, with a combination of pre-set assignments, one-on-one support, and inspiration.


Teaching is such a rewarding experience for me. I love watching students develop their skills and their unique artistic eye - and this mentorship program gives me the opportunity to work with artists who can't attend my in-person workshops. I've been incredibly proud of my online students' growth and progress!


What sets my mentorship program apart from others is the one-on-one interaction. Our work together is very individualized. Though there is no time commitment to participate - enrollment is on a monthly basis - over the long term, I have seen real progress in the artists I mentor.


The focus of my online curriculum is drawing and acrylic painting. I also strongly believe in a daily sketch practice and simple but functional painting space. 

Art Mentorship FAQ's

Online Art Mentorship with Michelle Guitard


How much does it cost?

Tuition is $150.00 per month. This includes a one-on-one session with Michelle (one hour), and our group session (two+ hours, at the end of each month), feedback and critiques, and much more! Additional one-on-one sessions are available for $50 per hour.



Can I join for just one month at a time?

There is no time commitment to participate. I have students who join for one month, and students who have been working with me for years! Some people take time off and return later on. Simply let me know before the first of each month whether you are planning to continue, or if you would like to return.

Do you offer refunds or partial months?

No, I don’t generally offer refunds, or prorate the monthly tuition for partial-month participation. Of course, reasonable requests and life circumstances will always be considered.

How is the month structured?

You’ll have one individual and one group session each month. Individual sessions are a 1 hour conversation conducted via video chat on zoom. 

Our group class happens during the last week of the month via zoom. A recording of the group class is sent out to all students.

I’m not very tech-savvy. Can I participate?

The minimum requirement to participate is a computer with solid internet access, an email address, and a  cell phone camera. You need to be able to take clear photos of your work and post them on group private facebook page and to email to me.  

What art materials do I need to get started?

I will email you a brief materials list when you sign up. If you’ve taken a painting class, or have already been painting for a while, you will probably have everything you need already.

Some topics I’ve worked on with students in the past include: selling art online, teaching painting classes, artist residencies, framing and hanging art shows, how to approach and deal with galleries, portrait painting, figure drawing, creating community around the arts, working with models, plein air paintouts, entering juried shows, and more!

What are the lessons like?

When you begin the mentorship, we go through a series of seven lessons that center on the fundamentals of realistic representational painting: value, color, and brushwork. I envision this program as being pretty individualized - yes, I offer assignments, but after a while, we shift to a focus on your unique challenges and goals. We periodically go "back to basics," revisiting black and white studies and the fundamentals of composition as you continue to create your own paintings.

Where do I post my work? How much feedback do I receive?

You are also encouraged to post your work on the group Facebook page. Feedback you receive there - from me and from the other students - benefits everyone!

I’d like feedback on older works, or paintings I’ve done outside of your mentorship program, is that OK?

Yes and yes! I’m here for whatever you need, as your mentor. I’m a resource. Use me!

What kind of paintings do most of your students make?

Most of my students are interested in still life painting, to some degree. Many of them are also passionate about plein air landscape painting, portraiture, pet portraits, interior scenes, even abstract painting!


Email me for more information or to answer any of your questions

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